Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Heart-felt Path: Love’s A to Z

Love is ambidextrous - learn to use your head and heart, it is hands on training, trial and error learning

Love is boisterous - be loud, be funny

Love is creative - dream together, play together, and laugh

Love is daring - take chances, speak from your heart, be yourself

Love is energetic - take a walk, go for a swim, engage each other in endless conversations

Love is fragile - speak wisely, words can hurt or heal, you both are fragile

Love is giddy - lose yourself in each other's embrace, laugh at yourself

Love is humble - you make mistakes, admit it, and forgive yourself and your mate

Love is ingenious - surprise yourselves at what you can accomplish with teamwork

Love is joyful - celebrate being alive, continue to discover the beauty of each other

Love is kind - you are kindred spirits on this life journey, shower each other with kindness

Love is light hearted - life is difficult, let love lighten the journey

Love is momentous - it is made of moments of connection, reconnection, disconnection, keep coming back to love and conversations

Love is nebulous - you both define it and redefine it each day, make love real - show each other you love one another in small ways - a smile, a twinkle in your eyes, a touch

Love is open-hearted and open-minded - you are on a journey of self-discovery, come to know and value yourself, you will better understand and appreciate each other

Love is prudent - think before you speak, especially in times of conflict, be conservative at times when the emotion is raw

Love is quiet - enjoy silence together, gazing at a sunset, holding one another

Love is robust - find new ways to enjoy each other, to play, and when needed, to be deeply honest and thoughtful and engage in discussion

Love is sensuous - savor the moments of passion, candlelight dinners, and gentle breezes

Love is talkative - you can always learn something new about each other, talk - not to give advice or opinions, talk because you are curious about each other

Love is understanding - listen to understand, give empathy to each other, and feel compassion towards yourself and your partner

Love is voluntary - each day you renew your commitment to be with each, avoid taking each other for granted, give your best - not to be perfect, just human

Love is witty - laugh together, laugh at yourself, life exists in contradictions - to  love, you need to let go

Love is xcitable - what a joy to share your lives together, companions on this journey of love and life

Love is yoga-like - be flexible, stretch your capacity to love, and love from your core, your essence

Love is zestful - renew yourselves each day, take care of yourselves, nurture yourselves, you then have something to give

All rights reserved. John Fulan

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