Sunday, May 15, 2016

Lotus of Love

Sticky, slimy
My roots grow here.

My love finds its way down
Fearing loss
Bracing for disappointment
Trembling with insecurity
Gripped with self-doubt.

Honor the darkness.

Who said
Love is safe

Lost and overwhelmed
My roots reach deep
My lotus plant anchors itself
Knowing the upward path.

My love strengthens
Seeking the light
Faith as my stem

My love stretches me
Beyond my safe boundaries
Turning me
Inside out


In spite of it all
Nourished by its roots
A lotus bud forms
Submerged under water
Biding its time.

Love knows
Its sacred rhythm.


My love reassures me
Love finds its way.

A lotus emerges
Poking thru the water's edge
Petals unfolding in the golden rays.

Love's aroma released
Greets the light.

My love matures
A vastness to behold
Sky and sun reflected in the pond.

Love's journey
Rattles my bones
Grips my hands
Settles my heart
Caresses my soul
Cracks open my self
Plunges me deep into the

Raises me to new heights.

All rights reserved. John Fulan

1 comment:

  1. Lovely. A journey through the chakras. Love conquers fear.
