Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Heart-felt Path: Love’s A to Z

Love is ambidextrous - learn to use your head and heart, it is hands on training, trial and error learning

Love is boisterous - be loud, be funny

Love is creative - dream together, play together, and laugh

Love is daring - take chances, speak from your heart, be yourself

Love is energetic - take a walk, go for a swim, engage each other in endless conversations

Love is fragile - speak wisely, words can hurt or heal, you both are fragile

Love is giddy - lose yourself in each other's embrace, laugh at yourself

Love is humble - you make mistakes, admit it, and forgive yourself and your mate

Love is ingenious - surprise yourselves at what you can accomplish with teamwork

Love is joyful - celebrate being alive, continue to discover the beauty of each other

Love is kind - you are kindred spirits on this life journey, shower each other with kindness

Love is light hearted - life is difficult, let love lighten the journey

Love is momentous - it is made of moments of connection, reconnection, disconnection, keep coming back to love and conversations

Love is nebulous - you both define it and redefine it each day, make love real - show each other you love one another in small ways - a smile, a twinkle in your eyes, a touch

Love is open-hearted and open-minded - you are on a journey of self-discovery, come to know and value yourself, you will better understand and appreciate each other

Love is prudent - think before you speak, especially in times of conflict, be conservative at times when the emotion is raw

Love is quiet - enjoy silence together, gazing at a sunset, holding one another

Love is robust - find new ways to enjoy each other, to play, and when needed, to be deeply honest and thoughtful and engage in discussion

Love is sensuous - savor the moments of passion, candlelight dinners, and gentle breezes

Love is talkative - you can always learn something new about each other, talk - not to give advice or opinions, talk because you are curious about each other

Love is understanding - listen to understand, give empathy to each other, and feel compassion towards yourself and your partner

Love is voluntary - each day you renew your commitment to be with each, avoid taking each other for granted, give your best - not to be perfect, just human

Love is witty - laugh together, laugh at yourself, life exists in contradictions - to  love, you need to let go

Love is xcitable - what a joy to share your lives together, companions on this journey of love and life

Love is yoga-like - be flexible, stretch your capacity to love, and love from your core, your essence

Love is zestful - renew yourselves each day, take care of yourselves, nurture yourselves, you then have something to give

All rights reserved. John Fulan

A Gentle Breeze

 A blissful breeze stirs the pages of life's book
Reclining I reflect on time's burning glow
The heart beats a breath of stillness
Pages unmoved
The mind glances a look.

The body pulses with sensations of silk - pleasure and pain
Pages of life becoming a wheel of time
Eighty years finding a path
Mysteries I probe as I grow more sane.

The path of independence I venture to say
Moves into bold connections I pray will stay.

A twirling breeze tingles the jewelry
As I mingle among life's pages
Stillness in the midst of movement
My heart stirs my path one beat closer.

Crowds thin around me
As thoughts vanish  in equipoise.

My path deepens as life's pages breathe.

All rights reserved. John Fulan

Lotus of Love

Sticky, slimy
My roots grow here.

My love finds its way down
Fearing loss
Bracing for disappointment
Trembling with insecurity
Gripped with self-doubt.

Honor the darkness.

Who said
Love is safe

Lost and overwhelmed
My roots reach deep
My lotus plant anchors itself
Knowing the upward path.

My love strengthens
Seeking the light
Faith as my stem

My love stretches me
Beyond my safe boundaries
Turning me
Inside out


In spite of it all
Nourished by its roots
A lotus bud forms
Submerged under water
Biding its time.

Love knows
Its sacred rhythm.


My love reassures me
Love finds its way.

A lotus emerges
Poking thru the water's edge
Petals unfolding in the golden rays.

Love's aroma released
Greets the light.

My love matures
A vastness to behold
Sky and sun reflected in the pond.

Love's journey
Rattles my bones
Grips my hands
Settles my heart
Caresses my soul
Cracks open my self
Plunges me deep into the

Raises me to new heights.

All rights reserved. John Fulan

Coming Home

The sweet whispers of my heart
Wisp gently thru my thoughts
Stirring a memory
A longing
For my real self.

The calmness of my heart
Mirrors with clarity
A reflection in my eyes
A longing
For my real self.

The kindness of my heart
Gently caresses my skin
A soothing glow warms my flesh
A touching
Of my real self.

The wisdom of my heart
Sings a melody
Bringing music to my ears
A stirring
Of my real self.

The love of my heart
Embraces me
Tantalizing sweetness
A savoring of my real self.

What is this love?
Glowing brightly
Nestled in my chest.

May I quench my thirst in
The ocean of my heart.

May I settle my gaze
Upon its faceless presence.

May I listen to the stillness
Of its inner voice.

May I be enveloped
In its cloak of grace.

May I trust
Its rhythm.

May I plant my faith into
Its depths.

May I surrender to
Its ageless wisdom.

May I breathe in
Its boundless love ....

All rights reserved. John Fulan

A Holy River

The sun pierces the veil of secrecy
Buried deep in the current of my waters.

Burning funeral pyres paint the air with an incense of
Whispering souls transported between the veil of
Here and hereafter.

Rainbows of saris drip with holiness
The skin of the faithful pilgrims caressed by the Holy Mother
Dwelling deep in my waters.
Sacredness haunts my river.

A morning glow illuminates a path upon my face
Piercing thru the morning mist
Your words echo....
Where am I? Who am I?

Surrender your memories, this life, this body
My river calls to you
Come and bathe in my waters
Flowing from the Himalayas.

Release your dreams
My river whispers to your soul
Step into eternity
Past and future
Reach beyond your grasp.

Emerge into your holiness
Strip away your layers of separation
Come home to me

Come home....

All rights reserved. John Fulan

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Turning Within

What treasures lie within
Our fleshy vessel
Bumping and winding
Thru waves of past, present, and future times.

Our precious lifespan—a fragile boundary
Dawning and setting each day
Where are we going?
Moving thru space
Sometimes barely standing on this blue jewel spinning in time.

Move inward
Past our senses.
Delicate borders shaping our view
Venture inside, beyond these tiny sense windows.

Rest in a midst of the flurry of coming and going
Can we hear a stillness
Whispering in the gaze of others?

Discover ourselves, still and luminous
A presence sweet and mysterious

Calling forth, awaiting our inner vision.

Inner and Outer

Inner and outer
Woven together
Depending on each other
Giving birth to our lives
As bubbles arise and give up their air
Bursting with life.

We wander thru
Our minds as if it were us
Solid and firm
Casting our thoughts
As a spider spins its web.

We are caught in our coming and going
Losing ourselves in the continuous spinning of thoughts
As if they were all true.

May we awaken to ourselves
Inner and outer
As strands coursing thru our limbs.

Can we settle into a moment

Where inner and outer meet?


Life sweeps in a freshness
Riding on our breath.

Releasing a stillness
Resting on our breath.

We are rocked back and forth
Preciously caressed by a breath of life.

Discovering a breeze whispering
Thru the trees of our thougths.

Let the leaves of our awareness sway with the wind
Holding on to nothing.

Settle into our bodies.

All rights reserved. John Fulan


Awaken to our own face
Fresh and priceless.

With eyes
Seeing the universe unfolding.

With ears
Hearing a silent roar.

With words
Drifting among the stars.

With fragrances
Of blossoms being born.


Dwelling in the tides of time.

All rights reserved. John Fulan

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Viewing Life

Thrusted into our world
Skin as pure as a virgin snowfall
As life unfolds.

Two Paths we behold
Intricately interwoven
A journey for each eye
View keenly the arising and passing of each moment
Mystery flows in and out of the ordinary.

In one way a path of living
Sprinkled with exclamation points of joy,
Commas of frustration
Periods ripe with endings and beginnings.

In another way a path of becoming
Immerse ourselves
As we unfold into a radiance, seeing life with wisdom,
Touching hearts with our compassion.

Let our eyes
Come into focus
Glance at what lies just beyond our sight.
Clarity of vision---a tender transformation
Somehow we still stir with a discontent
All is not well
Until we surrender headlong into
A spellbinding reality
Of Life’s deepest truths.

Discover our innate awareness
Never born
Pure and profound.

Gently guide ourselves to a beacon of inner knowing
Stop settling for life’s rewards
Quickly they vanish
Uncover our inheritance
A treasure of our essential selves.

Find the space
Rest in a virgin awareness
Two paths joined in perfect symmetry.

All rights reserved. John Fulan

Living With Intention

Living With Intention

Oh Life!
You bring us pleasures and sorrows
What lays beneath your bumpy surface?
Joys and sufferings interwoven
From birth to death.

May we discover a path that
Freely holds our moments
Gently cradled in our palms
Let’s release life’s experiences
With insight
View the dust that settles into a reflection of passing time.

Renounce all hope that
Life will satisfy our deepest longings
Find a happiness not wrapped up
In life’s passing pleasures.
Enjoy breaths of freedom
Transform life’s fleeting dramas
Watch how they enter and exit beyond our control.

Spread wide our fingers
As we shape our minds
Precious thought by thought
Porous with our intentions
We infuse each moment.
Hold a view of truth not bordered by life’s ups and downs.

We are the doers
Our lives our displays.

Walk through today spreading a loving friendliness towards all beings
Cherish an inner smile of delight.
Cast a heartfelt wish
Ease one another’s suffering.

Tap into a wellspring of abiding happiness.
Abide in an intimacy fresh with our daily intentions.

  All rights reserved. John Fulan