Saturday, June 25, 2016

Precious Words

Listen to ourselves
A speech inside our minds
Go deep beneath the surface
Pay attention to our inner conversations.

Closely observe
A space between our inner speech and reactions
Choose what we will say
As we breathe life into each syllable.

If our words
Are precious gifts
Glistening like diamonds
Can we risk wrapping our speech
In truth, kindness, restraint, and value?

Hold dear the stranger, friend, or loved one
Who receives the message of our voice
A reflection of our mind.

Do we leave painful imprints
With our words flung as arrows
Piercing with lies, insults, gossip, and idle chatter?

Words deposit a bit of ourselves
Forming an invisible bridge
Spanning from heart to heart
Choose wisely the imprints we leave
Upon another’s heart.

Can our speech release
A gentle touch
A warm caress
A hand outstretched
All revelations of our ourselves?

Let our words
Be greeted as a welcome guest
Who arrives from sunrise to sunset.

If we have but 12 words to say
Before we become silent
Would we surrender to a
Precious moment
Letting our hearts speak our minds?

All rights reserved. John Fulan

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful words, John. Thoughtfully crafted. Truly thought provoking.
